I can't believe it is another end of a day. Today, the time flies really quick and I felt that I just did not many things. I can't remember what I did today. I realize that I shouldn't flood my mind with too much worries. Things supposed to be fun and enjoyable especially in the class that I am taking this quarter. Maybe, it is because I like what I am learning, that I feel very tense about it. Hmm...it seem weird though. I thought it suppose to be the other way round.
Anyway, I feel so much relieved to know that I have gotten my photography assignment finished tonight. I spent a long time trying to get it done. My concern right now is at whether my photography skills are up to par or not. The instructor wants to see whether we have improved our photographs taking. I doubt that I have. I had a bad luck with my manual camera. At the Walmart, the salesman came to me and holding a long film. I was so disappointed to had been told that nothing was on the film. The camera failed to wind the film every after a shot. I was really sad and I was eager to see the outcome of my manual shooting especially the shutter speed and f-stop. On a second thought, I am grateful that I brought along a SLR digital camera and capture the moments while at the same time using the manual camera.
Lesson learned...next time I will just ask for the same camera from the cage. The first time I use film camera was the CAnon EOS-1N. Sometimes, it is very frustrating to know which camera is good to use. But, I guess it is not about how good is the camera just a matter of how well you use it. Even though you buy a very good camera and if you do not develop a skill in using it, there is no point to getting quality pictures.
I hope that my instructor would be understanding about my situation. I didn't get enough photos this time. I really wonder what are the class' comments on my pictures.
Last night, I dreamed about how I was being chased and hunt down by GU president for not doing a good job in the club. I hope I would not dreamed about the photo assignment. It will be devastating memory to know that a camera is running after me and trying to shoot me down into its lens before landing on the film. Hahah...
Thanks for reading.